Nowadays one has the possibility to submit ones song for review by playlist editors. We did so, and the response was quite positive, and yet almost no one wanted to play it, since their lists were ‘more commercial’ than our song. I anonymized the names:
ABC productions wrote:
Cool production! Simple but effective beat with groovy synths and exotic vocals spicing the mix, but our style is more commercial like. Thanks for sharing!
Anon Records wrote:
Hi, I like the song a lot. The song has a very nice flow. Your voice is so relaxed! Really, really nice song. Unfortunately the song doesn’t fit to my playlist, because the mood of your song doesn’t match with my playlist.
Mr XXX writes:
Hi, Quality production. All elements in the mix work together smoothly. For my electronic playlists this song has however too much focus on the vocals and too little on instrumental and melodic progression to see it fit in the mood with the other songs. Hope you will find the right playlists for this song! Cheers,
Mr H writes:
Hi The Slosh Poppies, I usually give feedback here primarily on songwriting/mixing/mastering, but you seem to have covered that quite well! Keep up the good work, good luck with the music! Best, H
And some more comments, mostly positive, one guy was negative claiming I sang out of tune. That is true but that was intended.
I should aim my songs better at the available playlists, I suppose, but the problem with these types of songs is that they don’t fit to an actual ‘commercial genre’. I have no idea what genre to put this in. Pop music is so incredibly…general.
I am not complaining about these responses – really happy with them. I am lucky to get such responses from people. There are a lot of people complaining about the music industry, but I feel that that is the wrong attitude to approach it as a starting band.
My aim is to explore the possibilities and its great to get this sort of feedback at an early stage.